Grant Opportunities

Direct Grant Making

The Direct Grantmaking Programme supports the Government of Barbados to meet the Conservation Commitments made under the Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA), particularly related to the development of the Marine Spatial Plan (MSP). This programme is separate from our Call for Proposals, which will be competitively issued on an annual basis.


Key milestone activities and timelines relating to the MSP include:



Initiation of the MSP

No later than 3 months after the signing of the Conservation and Sustainability Commitments Agreements


Completion of the First Draft of Zoning Design

No later than thirty-six (36) months after the date of signing of the Conservation and Sustainability Commitments Agreements

Government Approval of (i) Legislation and Regulations to Declare Marine Biodiversity Protection Zones/MPAs and (ii) MSP Institutional Frameworks

No later than four (4) years and six (6) months after the date of signing of the Conservation and Sustainability Commitments Agreement

Completion of MSP Gazetting and Biodiversity Protection Zones/MPAs and MSP implementation

No later than five (5) years and six (6) months after the date of signing of the Conservation and Sustainability Commitments Agreement

Government Approval and Adoption of Management Plans

No later than seven (7) years and six (6) months after the date of signing of the Conservation and Sustainability Commitments Agreement

Strategic Partnerships

The Board of Directors can approve to establish partnerships and assign funding without a competitive process, due to the strategic approach of a project and its alignment with BESF Strategic Goals and priorities. These partnerships can be of the following nature:

Call For Proposals

Welcome to BESFโ€™s Call for Proposals. We invite innovative minds and organizations to partner with us in our mission to combat climate change and promote sustainability. Our grants support projects that bring about real and lasting environmental change.